Uber Securities Litigation

This official website is maintained by the Claims Administrator supervised by Class Counsel in the action entitled Boston Retirement System v. Uber Technologies, Inc., Case No. 3:19-cv-06361-RS (the “Action”) pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.

The information contained on this web page is only a summary of information presented in more detail in the Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement and Motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses (the “Settlement Notice”). Since this website is just a summary, you should review the Settlement Notice for additional details.

Please read the Settlement Notice carefully. It explains important rights you may have, including the possible receipt of cash from the Settlement. If you are a Class Member, your legal rights will be affected by the Settlement whether you act or do not act.

The Class certified by the Court consists of:

All persons and entities that purchased or otherwise acquired Uber’s publicly traded common stock pursuant and/or traceable to the Offering Documents for Uber’s IPO, and who were damaged thereby, i.e., those who purchased shares during the Traceability Period of May 10, 2019 through November 5, 2019.

If you are a Class Member and did not previously seek exclusion from the Class in connection with the previously mailed Class Notice, you are in the Class and subject to the Settlement.

If you have questions, you may call the Uber Securities Litigation Helpline at (877)-390-3460 or email Info@UberIPOSecuritiesLitigation.com.

SUBMIT A CLAIM FORM BY NOVEMBER 20, 2024 The only way to get a payment. See Question 8, in the SettlementNotice.
IF YOU PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED A REQUEST FOR EXCLUSION FROM THE CERTIFIED CLASS, OPT-BACK INTO THE CLASS BY NOVEMBER 14, 2024 If you previously submitted a request for exclusion in connection with the Class Notice and now want to be part of the Class in order to be eligible to receive a payment, follow the steps for “Opting Back Into the Class.” See Question 11, in the Settlement Notice.
OBJECT BY NOVEMBER 14, 2024 Write to the Court about why you do not like the Settlement, the proposed Plan of Allocation, and/or the Fee and Expense Application. This will not exclude you from the Class. See Question 14, in the Settlement Notice.
GO TO A HEARING ON DECEMBER 5, 2024 Ask to speak in Court about the Settlement at the Settlement Hearing. See Question 15, in the Settlement Notice.
DO NOTHING Get no payment. Give up rights.