Uber Securities Litigation

This official website is maintained by the Administrator supervised by Class Counsel in the action entitled Boston Retirement System v. Uber Technologies, Inc, Case No. 3:19-cv-06361-RS (the “Action”) pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.

The information contained on this web page is only a summary of information presented in more detail in the Notice of Pendency of Class Action (the “Notice”), which you can access by clicking here. Because this website is just a summary, you should review the Notice for additional details.

The purpose of the website is to inform you of a class action lawsuit that is now pending in the Court under the above caption (the “Action”) against Uber, the Individual Defendants, and the Underwriter Defendants (collectively, the “Defendants”). The Action has been certified by the Court to proceed as a class action on behalf of the Class defined below.

All persons and entities that purchased or otherwise acquired Uber’s publicly traded common stock pursuant and/or traceable to the Offering Documents for Uber’s IPO, and who were damaged thereby.

If you are a member of the Class, your legal rights will be affected whether you act or do not act. Please read the Notice carefully to fully understand your rights and options.

Please Note: This Action is currently ongoing. No court has made a ruling on the merits of the allegations asserted against Defendants in the Action or on Defendants’ denials and defenses. There is no judgment, settlement, or monetary recovery at this time, and there is no guarantee there will be any recovery. Defendants deny Class Representative’s claims. Defendants contend that they did not do anything wrong and that they are not liable for any harm alleged by Class Representative on behalf of the Class.

If you have questions, you may call the Uber IPO Securities Settlement Helpline at (877)-390-3460 or email Info@UberIPOSecuritiesLitigation.com.

DO NOTHING If you do nothing, and you are a member of the Class, you will stay in the Class. You will be bound by all past, present, and future orders and judgments in the Action, whether favorable or unfavorable. If any money is awarded to the Class, either through a settlement with Defendants or a judgment of the Court after a trial, you may be eligible to receive a share of that money. However, if you remain a member of the Class, you may not pursue a lawsuit on your own behalf with regard to any of the issues in this Action.
If you choose to be excluded from the Class, you will not be bound by any past, present, or future orders and judgments in this Action, nor will you be eligible to share in any recovery that might be obtained in this Action. You will retain any right you have to individually pursue claims, if any, that you may have against Defendants with respect to the claims asserted in the Action. Please note, if you decide to exclude yourself from the Class, you may be time-barred from asserting the claims covered by the Action by a statute of repose and your claims could be dismissed. Please refer to paragraphs 15 through 16 on page 3 of the Notice if you would like to be excluded from the Class.