Uber Securities Litigation

This official website is maintained by the Claims Administrator supervised by Class Counsel in the action entitled Boston Retirement System v. Uber Technologies, Inc., Case No. 3:19-cv-06361-RS (the “Action”) pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.


The Claims Administrator will use this information for all communications regarding this Claim Form. If this information changes, you MUST notify the Claims Administrator in writing.

1If the account number is unknown, you may leave blank. If the same legal entity traded through more than one account you may write “multiple.” Please see paragraph 12 of the General Instructions for more information on when to file separate Claim Forms for multiple accounts, i.e., when you are filing on behalf of distinct legal entities.


1. PURCHASES/ACQUISITIONS FROM MAY 10, 2019 THROUGH NOVEMBER 5, 2019, – Separately list each and every purchase and acquisition of Uber’s publicly traded common stock during the period from May 10, 2019 through and including November 5, 2019. (Must submit documentation.)

Must click Add Purchase to submit your transactions.

Date of Purchase/ Acquisition (List Chronologically) (Month/Day/Year) Number of Shares Purchased/Acquired Purchase/ Acquisition Price Per Share Total Purchase/ Acquisition Price Confirm Proof of Purchase Enclosed Action

2. NUMBER OF SHARES PURCHASED FROM NOVEMBER 6, 2019 THROUGH JULY 18, 2024 - – State the total number of shares of Uber’s publicly traded common stock purchased/acquired from November 6, 2019 through, and including, July 18, 20243. (Must submit documentation.)

3. SALES FROM MAY 10, 2019 THROUGH JULY 18, 2024 – Separately list each and every sale of Uber’s publicly traded common stock from May 10, 2019 through, and including, the close of trading on July 18, 2024. (Must submit documentation.)

Must click Add Sale to submit your transactions.

Date of Sale (List Chronologically) (Month/Day/Year) Number of Shares Sold Sale Price Per Share Total Sales Price (not deducting taxes, commissions, and fees) Confirm Proof of Sale Enclosed Action

4. HOLDINGS AS OF CLOSE OF TRADING ON JULY 18, 2024 – State the total number of shares of Uber’s publicly traded stock held as of the close of trading on July 18, 2024. If none, enter “0”. (Must submit documentation.)

2 For purposes of the statutory calculations, October 4, 2019 is the date of suit.
3 Information requested in this Claim Form with respect to your purchases/acquisitions from November 6, 2019 through July 18, 2024 is needed only in order for the Claims Administrator to confirm that you have reported all relevant transactions. Purchases/acquisitions during this period are not eligible for a recovery.


All supporting documentation for your positions and transactions should be uploaded to this page prior to moving on to the next step in your online claim submission.

Please use the browse option, by clicking on “Select Files” in the box below, to upload your supporting documentation being submitted to verify all of your positions and transactions.

Files To Be Uploaded Size Action


By signing and submitting this Claim Form, the Claimant(s) or the person(s) acting on behalf of the Claimant(s) certify(ies) that: I (We) submit this Claim Form under the terms of the Plan of Allocation described in the Settlement Notice. I (We) also submit to the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California (the “Court”) with respect to my (our) claim as a Class Member(s) and for purposes of enforcing the releases set forth herein. I (We) further acknowledge that, once the Settlement reaches its Effective Date, I (we) will be bound by and subject to the terms of all judgments and orders entered in connection with the Settlement in the Action, including the releases set forth therein. I (We) agree to furnish additional information to the Claims Administrator to support this claim, such as additional documentation for transactions in Uber’s publicly traded common stock and other Uber securities, if required to do so. I (We) have not submitted any other claim covering the same transactions in Uber’s publicly traded common stock during the Traceability Period and know of no other person having done so on my (our) behalf.


1. I (We) hereby warrant and represent that I am (we are) a Class Member as defined in the Settlement Notice, that I am (we are) not excluded from the Class, that I am (we are) not one of the “Released Defendant Parties” as defined in the Settlement Notice.

2. I (we) hereby acknowledge full and complete satisfaction of, and do hereby fully, finally, and forever compromise, settle, release, resolve, relinquish, waive, and discharge with prejudice the Released Plaintiffs’ Claims as to each and all of the Released Defendant Parties (as these terms are defined in the Settlement Notice). This release shall be of no force or effect unless and until the Court approves the Settlement and it becomes effective on the Effective Date.

3. I (We) hereby warrant and represent that I (we) have not assigned or transferred or purported to assign or transfer, voluntarily or involuntarily, any matter released pursuant to this release or any other part or portion thereof.

4. I (We) hereby warrant and represent that I (we) have included information about all of my (our) purchases, acquisitions, and sales of Uber’s publicly traded common stock that occurred during the relevant time periods and the number of shares held by me (us), to the extent requested.

5. I (We) certify that I am (we are) NOT subject to backup tax withholding. (If you have been notified by the Internal Revenue Service that you are subject to backup withholding, please strike out the prior sentence.)

If the Claimant is other than an individual, or is not the person completing this form, the following also must be provided: